Hello everyone, Today we are going to share a great premium & free proxima nova font and other best font. If you are looking for an alternative to Proxima Nova font, I recommend checking out Gotham and Avenir. I think Garamond would make a nice font combination paired with it.
If you’re into your fonts you’ll know that Gotham and Proxima Nova font are very similar and very expensive fonts. They’ve recently become massively popular in the design community and some of the biggest sites use them.
View the closest free alternative to Proxima Nova font on Google Fonts (and other sites) in my PDF guide
Proxima Nova font
Nexa Free Font
Nexa Rust free font
Nexa Rust from Fontfabric Type Foundry is a multifaceted font system consisting of font sub-families Sans, Slab, Script, Handmade and Extras.Each of these sub-families contains a number of font weights which have a characteristic warm, rough look and display a few degrees of saturation.
Jaapokki Free Font
Prime Free Techy Font
Multicolore Free Font
UGO | Typeface | Free Font
Roboto and Noto