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TechClient is an independent US-based web magazine dedicated to creating high-quality content from around the web – covering topics from technology to design.

TechClient provides useful digital tips and resources on software, apps and gadgets you can’t live without.

techclient is a lot more than a collection of preset design elements; it could well be the defining success factor for your website.

Our passion for good design is rooted in the belief that even the most practical devices can be visually appealing and enjoyable.

The Story

We are a small 2 man start-up business that specializes in website design, development and deployment. Our main focus is to provide businesses with the possibilities that come from having their own website on the internet. We work one-on-one with our clients, take their ideas to create a brand and identity for their business on the internet. We are experts with all the right software such as Adobe Dreamweaver and technologies such as Content Management Systems. So with our customer’s ideas and our expertise, we create clean, modern, and eye-catching websites which will help their business to grow.