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How To Make An Instagram Reel

    Social media has become the hallmark of marketing for various small businesses. If you are on Instagram, it’s time to learn how to make Instagram reels to increase followership and sales conversions. 

    According to reports, Instagram has a whopping 80 percent growth in viewers’ time spent watching videos through the app. The users are more engaged when they watch video content than any other kind of content. Social media sites thrive off users’ engagement and are always seeking new ways to help creators come up with new methods to receive more shares and comments.

    In light of these trends, at the beginning of 2022, Instagram globally introduced its short-video creation tool and a brand new type of content called Reels.

    We’re sure you’ve had a look at an Instagram Reel in the past – but are you aware of how to make one? Making a high-quality Instagram Reel may be more complex than it seems, as it takes a lot of planning knowledge, expertise, and so on. In the article below, we’ll guide you through the step-by-step procedure for creating an Instagram Reel and, if are an owner of a business, how to utilize Reels to boost your business. When you finish the article, we aim to make you confident in your abilities to make high-quality Reels precisely like the professionals!

    What Are Instagram Reels?

    Instagram Reels are entertaining, short-form videos that are well-suited to provide educational, fun, and inspirational content through the app.

    Like TikTok, Reels are displayed vertically to provide an endless scrolling feed.

    You can edit and record 15 to 60 seconds of video clips set to popular music and then add filters or text.

    The most exciting aspect? Instagram Reels are recommended to users on their interests, which makes them an excellent opportunity to connect with new, relevant groups.

    How To Get To the Reels Section On the Instagram App

    Log on to your Instagram app using your smartphone. Either from your Instagram feed or your profile, click the plus sign button in the top right-hand corner. Select “reel” to start putting together the clip. 

    Find A Trending Audio That Fits Your Niche

    Trending audio clips included in Instagram reels tend to get more noticed than those that are not currently on-trend. When you are viewing a reel, look at the bottom left of the screen and you will see a description of its audio. 

    Click on this running description and it will take you to another screen to show you other reels that utilize the same audio. There is also a numerical count shown of how many reels feature the audio. You will know it is trending audio when you see an upward arrow next to the number showing how many reels contain that audio. 

    No matter how many reels have the audio, whether it’s 229 or over 10,000, take advantage of trending audio that fits well with your niche. Once you find an audio that you like, go ahead and click “Save audio” which is on the page with the numerical figure and other reels with that audio. 

    Choose a Subject for Your Reel

    What do you want the reel to be about? Are you showcasing a promotion for a new product or service in your business? Do you want to debunk some myths about the niche in which your Instagram markets? 

    If you have a lot of ideas for reels, keep a journal of the different subjects you wish to feature. Make sure to note the name of the audio so it is easy to find in your saved audio list once it’s time to make the reel. 

    Set the Stage

    When recording the video for your video, you can do it directly from the Instagram app. This is a great method so it can time different parts of the audio, especially if it’s a conversation. Alternatively, you can record a video from your phone and then input the clip into the Instagram app for editing. 

    Time Your Clips

    For each clip, you want to edit, click on it on the editing screen. You can cut the clip to where you need it to be to line up with audio transitions. From there, you can add any special effects to enhance your reel. 

    Add Captions

    Sometimes reel viewers may not want to have their audio on for whatever reason. If the audio has a person speaking words, be sure to do the closed captioning feature that can be found in the pictures section of the editor. Alternatively, you can type out your closed captioning text in the font and color that you desire. 

    Frequently Asked Questions About Making An Instagram Reel

    Here are some frequently asked questions about making an Instagram reel. 

    How long should an Instagram reel be? 

    The most engaging reels are from five seconds to 15 seconds long. Hence, you must be sure your content captivates your audience to cause them to want to investigate your product, service, or social media page. 

    When is the best time to post a reel? 

    The best time to post reels would be early in the morning as people are waking up to get ready for the day which is between 5 am to 7 am. Try at lunchtime between 11 am to 1 pm when people are more than likely on their smartphones while eating their meal. Another option would be later in the evening from 7 pm to 9 pm as people are winding down for the night before bed. 

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