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how to make a post shareable on facebook

    Since its inception in 2004, Facebook has been the preferred social media platform for connecting and sharing information with family, friends, and colleagues. In the first period, Facebook was the top popular social network on the internet, with an estimated 2.93 billion users across the world, as per Statista.

    You can upload a family photo, a funny cat video, or an educational graphic The social media platform has different levels of visibility for posts. One of your acquaintances may want to share your content with a larger crowd.

    Are you looking to make a post that you can share on Facebook? Check out this article.

    How to Make a Post Shareable on Facebook – Web Browser

    If you’re posting something to the Facebook wall and wish for others to see it on their walls, you’ll have to ensure that the Post is shareable before posting it. To allow the people you want to invite to share the Post, it is necessary to make it public. To do that, take these steps:

    On the Facebook home page, go to “What’s on your mind?” Space.

    Click the dropdown menu below your Facebook account name.

    The Post will be made public so that it can be shared with anyone on or off the Facebook site.

    After that, click Post to post the message on your wall.

    Then, other users can share the blog post. You can also make it private again by selecting the alternative options on the menu. If you decide to make the Post public once more, it will become private to anyone who shares it. The only thing that remains is a note that states it was the author who had removed the Post.

    How to make a Post shareable on Facebook after posting

    If you’re looking to make the post, published previously through Facebook shared, it’s quite simple to do this via Facebook.

    Step 1
    Find the Post you wish to share via Facebook.
    Step 2
    Click on the three dots icon in the top-right corner of the page.
    Step 3
    It will then bring you to a dropdown menu. Choose Edit Privacy here.
    Step 4
    In the Privacy tab, select the Public option and click Done in the upper-right part of the display.

    How can you create a Facebook post shareable before publishing

    To ensure your posts are visible before sending them out, open your Create Post window and then click on the gray dropdown menu below your name. There you can select Friends, Public, Private, and many more.

    How do you make a public post on Facebook?

    To make your public Post on Facebook, follow the same steps as previously but select only Me rather than Public at the end of the process.


    We’ve discussed the possibility of sharing a Facebook post and some suggestions to help your posts be more visible. It’s easy, but you must change your Post’s privacy settings or modify them from your profile. After you’ve changed your most recent Post’s privacy settings, Facebook will remember that change every time you publish something. This is the reason you don’t need to alter it each time.

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