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How to Hide Apps on Android

    Android offers a variety of security functions, such as the lock screen, which helps secure your phone from unwanted users using your mobile. But Android has no feature that blocks access to applications if someone discovers the phone unlocked.

    There are a variety of motives to keep apps hidden. You might have sensitive apps, such as banking and exchange apps, and you would prefer not to let anyone accessing your mobile learn about these apps. You may have got non-child-friendly apps you’d like to shield from youngsters, are they?

    No matter the reason behind concealing apps on your phone, I’ve got you covered. In this article, I’ll provide an easy-to-follow guide for hiding apps on Android. We’ll take an examination.

    What is the reason you need the App Hider?


    It is possible to have apps other than what you want other users to view, like an app for money or dating. It is possible to protect these apps from view by using app hiders.

    Organizing Your Phone:

    The process of selecting the right app could be a challenge if you own many apps installed that are installed on your smartphone. Utilizing an app hider helps you quickly arrange your applications and identify the required apps.

    Cleaning Your House Screen:

    App hiders can aid in arranging the applications on your desktop by making it possible to block applications that you do not use often.

    How to hide your Android apps

    While the option to block apps is an option that’s common for many Android phones, the feature is different according to the version of Android that you own and the manufacturer of your handset. The manufacturers are free to develop software overlays that sit over Android and alter the user experience drastically. This means that a Samsung phone can provide an entirely different experience than, for instance, a OnePlus phone.

    There are a variety of third-party launchers and app-hiding software that cover app icons, which are different for each. Here’s a look at the various ways to hide apps for Android phones.

    Hide It Pro

    Hide It Pro is a smartphone application designed for Android devices that allows users to protect their applications. It’s simple in its interface and provides password protection for any app. It will enable the secret storage of documents behind an icon of a calculator. The app lets users save images or videos as well as private documents with no one even knowing. It also comes with the ability to prevent the unauthorized access of files and photos. Hide It Pro is a trusted option to secure the storage of hidden material.

    App Hider

    App Hider is an Android mobile application for Android users. App Hider hides applications from view and helps keep applications private. It is possible to disguise it as a calculator and provide password security. Every app can be imported, after which it is deleted from the personal operating system. The result is that it could be more unnoticeable for users. Some options allow you to turn off notifications and securely keep media. If you’re looking to block apps from Android, App Hider is the best alternative.


    1. Install Apex Launcher from Play Store.

    2. Launch the application and then configure the necessary customizations.

    3. Select Apex Launcher as your App for Home.

    4. Now click on the “Apex settings” at the top of the screen.

    5. Tap on ‘Hidden Apps.’

    6. Tap to add hidden apps button.

    7. Select the apps you would like to block.

    8. Tap to hide the app.

    9. Your application will disappear in the drawer of apps.

    10. Note that when someone searches for the application, it will not be listed in search results.

    When someone searches for the application, it won’t be listed in the search results.

    With Apex Launcher, you can block apps from your Android device. If you do not want to utilize any launcher at all, it is possible to use a different application known as Calculator Vault to block applications.

    How can you block apps from Android?

    First step: Swipe to the top of your home screen and open the launcher. Click on the 3-dot icon located in the upper right-hand corner.

    Step 2: Click on Settings, then Hide applications.

    Step 3: Choose the app you want to disable. It is also possible to find it. After selecting the appropriate applications, click on the done button.

    How to block apps from OnePlus phones?

    Start your App Drawer (the screen displaying the apps you have installed), then move the slider to the left.

    There’s a new page known as Hidden Space. The message should appear. There are no hidden apps in the middle of the display.

    Click the + symbol in the upper right-hand corner.

    Choose the applications you wish to block, then click the tick symbol in the top-right corner.

    You’ll now see hidden applications listed on the Hidden Space page.

    For unhide apps, go to the Hidden Space page and long-press on the app you wish to unhide.

    How do you hide applications using an application from another company?

    Several apps available on the Google Play Store are specifically created to block apps on your Android phone. One of them includes App Hider. It is a second home screen for installing applications you wish to remove from the main display. App Hider’s advantage over App Hider over launcher-based apps similar to Microsoft Launcher is that even once you have hidden the apps, you can still open and run them via App Hider without needing to remove them from hiding. Utilize these instructions to utilize App Hider:

    Install App Hider on the Google Play Store. Google Play Store.

    Start the application.

    Click “Agree” on the “Welcome” page.

    Choose “Continue” to launch the application.

    Allow App Access to Hider’s address and local media.

    Press the plus symbol in the bottom right corner of your screen.

    Select the app that you would like to keep secret.

    Select “Import (Hide/Dual)” to duplicate the application to App Hider.

    Start the app hidden to see if it functions within App Hider.

    How can you block apps from Samsung phones?

    Hiding apps from the Samsung phone is easy. We’ll show you the process.

    Step-by-step instructions:

    Start the drawer of apps.

    Click the menu with three dots.

    Choose the option Settings.

    Locate and then tap the Hide Apps option.

    Choose the apps that you wish to block.

    Select Done.

    Utilize to use the Samsung Secure Folder.

    If you own a Samsung phone, you can use Secure Folder to hide apps. Secure Folder to hide apps. In the past, Samsung phones have shipped with Secure Folders. Secure Folder is a protected, safe, encrypted area within your Galaxy device, which can be secured with a fingerprint or password. Specific Folders can be covered with fingerprints or passwords. Secure Folder can be hidden to protect your device further.

    What’s terrific concerning this Secure Folder is that it stays isolated from other parts of the operating system. The app’s data folders aren’t accessible inside the browser for files. This ensures complete privacy of both the app and the data contained in Secure Folder Secure Folder from the outside.

    What is the reason anyone would want to block Android Apps?

    The ability to hide anything, not just apps, on your smartphone or tablet is a method to keep information protected or secret. If you’re considering concealing apps, a user might decide to hide apps for various reasons. For example, a person might have relatives who do not believe in privacy. Hiding apps with sensitive information or messages can help protect your privacy.

    Another reason why people prefer to keep apps off their devices is to safeguard critical information like financial data, business secrets, and intellectual properties from getting hacked should their devices get stolen or lost.

    In addition, some Android devices are loaded with additional software that can clutter the device. This useless software can hinder the ability to find apps you use most frequently, create confusion, or make your device slow when they’re constantly running. Removing these apps can improve your user experience and aid in the performance of your device.

    How do I hide Apps with no App Hider?

    There are various ways of hiding apps with no third-party app-hiding software. It is possible to use the built-in option in the settings menu to block them by hand and make a folder in which it is possible to add all applications you wish to keep hidden. There are other methods to hide them. The renaming of apps and altering icons for the app to ensure that apps are not the focus of view.

    If you’d like to make it highly secret, use the Guest Mode option available for every Android phone. You can move the applications you wish to keep secret in the user’s profile separately and then set up an encryption password.

    How can I hide Apps for Android without deleting them?

    The most straightforward method to conceal apps without completely deleting their data is using Settings’s “Hide apps” feature. It is also possible to cover them by creating a separate folder or changing the name of the application to ensure that apps are not the focus of the spotlight.

    They do not offer a secure method of hiding apps. To completely hide applications, you should download third-party app launchers and dialer applications available on the Play Store to hide your apps in complete security.

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