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Best Ways to Stay Safe Online

    Each week, we learn of another hack. Factory sites, schools, and even government organizations find their security in the sand, and all of us are affected. You can’t do anything to stop these egregious security breaches. Instead of complaining about it, could you do something about it? You can take action to safeguard your devices, information, and your privacy.

    Cyberattacks have become so prevalent that cyber-attacks have become so commonplace that the U.S. federal government has created the Department of Research and Development, designed to improve technology and develop guidelines to minimize threats within cyberspace.

    Due to the increasing usage of social media websites and social networks, users make more personal data accessible online, making it harder to safeguard valuable information. However, there are many methods to ensure your privacy and identity online.

    What are the risks of internet use?

    Internet safety is the tactics and methods used to guard against online fraud, theft, and other digital security threats. To ensure safety online, you must take several factors, including installing security software, remaining conscious of internet rules and risks, observing secure browsing guidelines, and ensuring proper digital hygiene, such as creating solid and unique passwords.

    Technology is becoming an increasing element of our lives – from how we talk to each other to how we utilize essential devices (Internet of Things). Being secure online is vital to ensure that we can safely navigate our world. While new technologies on the Internet provide many benefits, they also lead to new cyber-attacks. This means internet security awareness is vital to guard against malware like viruses.

    Unfortunately, most people don’t prioritize online protection. Statistics and data about internet security paint a scary image:

    In 2023, there was reportedly an increase of 68% in the number of phishing scams.

    51% of the people have the same password on each account.

    Bad passwords reportedly cause eighty-three percent of data breaches involving company incidents.

    Avoid using public WiFi for sensitive items.

    It’s true. The public WiFi network is available if needed, and you can surf the web quickly and for free.

    It could, however, come with the cost of The information you provide about your financial and private details. A staggering 24% of global WiFi hotspots need to use security. The percentage may be good once you consider that there will be around 502 million hotspots in the globe by 2022. That’s roughly 110 million hotspots that have been deemed insecure.

    Be sure to ensure that you’re not using open WiFi (secured or unsecured) to gain access to sensitive information. In general, it is best to utilize it for routine web surfing. Do not look at your accounts with banks or social network profile(s). If you genuinely have to make use of the account for your data.

    Use a safe browsing method.

    You should be most worried about when you are personally identifiable. But it’s also worrying to be profiled extensively, which is what browser privacy seeks to reduce.

    If you want to avoid walking in a dangerous area, don’t go to hazardous areas on the Internet. Cybercriminals make use of flimsy content as an opportunity to lure users. They understand that users are often attracted by shady information and might lose their focus while searching for this type of content. The web’s demonstration is brimming with pitfalls that are hard to see; one mistake could reveal personal information or create a malware infection on your device. You’re not giving hackers the chance when you resist the temptation to click.

    Make use of a VPN using your WiFi connection.

    A VPN, also known as a virtual private network, connects your device to an online server, ensuring that no one can monitor your actions or access your personal information through the internet connection. It’s an excellent (and legal) option to keep your data secure in your home and when accessing WiFi in public places.

    The one drawback to the greater security provided by a VPN is that It can slow down your internet connection. The VPN sends your information to another server to protect the data. There are some wins, but you lose a few.

    Maintain Your Computer up to date.

    There needs to be perfect software. However, the more complicated a program is in its design, the more likely to be vulnerable to security flaws that could make your PC vulnerable to attacks. Because of this, trusted software companies regularly release patches to resolve security concerns and eliminate risks associated with their software. Indeed, Microsoft releases updates for Windows every week. It is recommended to install them when they are released. Be sure to run Windows and your software set to automatically install and download the updates.

    Never share your passwords or usernames with anyone else besides your parents.

    Although your best friend may promise they will not share passwords with anyone, you should keep the password secret. Tell your parents whether you and your family should have the password manager. It’s a tool to help you track your passwords. Specific programs can create it to require you to remember only one.

    The information you find on the web isn’t always accurate

    A lot of it’s not!

    Many websites publish false or overblown news reports, some of which are called clickbait or ‘fake news’, to get people to click on their links. Refrain from assuming that the first article you read is correct. Instead, be open to reading other sources for the most accurate information.

    Also, remember that what you see your friends sharing may be a partial picture of their lives.

    Join to receive login alerts.

    When it comes to apps and websites you often log into and use, you can sign up to receive “login notifications” and “remote login notifications.” If someone accesses your account for a reason, you’ll receive an email or text notification. The account will be alerted of suspicious behaviour not coming from you, and you can modify your password immediately.

    Learn to spot the dangers of phishing.

    Perhaps you’re sophisticated enough to recognize when you should not click on a link that’s believed to come from your bank or even a trusted acquaintance, but is everyone within your home? Instruct your children on scams and advise them not to click URLs in emails or social network messages. Find a security application that detects and blocks suspicious URLs.

    Be respectful of the other person’s rights.

    Sometimes, on the web, it is easy to forget that an honest individual is behind each blog post.

    You could make someone angry in the blink of an eye; therefore, don’t make comments on the Internet you wouldn’t tell the person in front of them.

    Make sure you think about your post before posting!

    Protect your devices by installing an antivirus program that is reliable and trustworthy.

    A mobile phone or tablet with no security device on the premises is similar to sitting in your home with doors that are not locked. Android and Mac devices can risk malicious software invading your devices and encroaching on your personal life. Install any trusted security software like Norton Security, McAfee, Avast or Eset on all your devices.

    Remember mobile devices.

    Your tablet or phone needs just as secure protection just like your laptop. You should also ensure an all-encompassing security system that protects your mobile devices. Set up a password on the phones and tablets, as well.

    Be wary of Email Attachments.

    An easy look through your junk mail folder could reveal dozens or even hundreds of possible scams and other security risks. Many security risks come via malware that is embedded in attachments to emails. One important rule of thumb to adhere to is to refrain from downloading attachments from unknown recipients or attachments you don’t anticipate, even though you are familiar with the person who sent them. Be cautious about compressed archives or executable files, including malicious software that could infect your system and disclose your financial and personal data.

    Find the padlock icon. Then, look to verify the authenticity of the certificate.

    Mainly if you’re using a credit card in an online store.

    One of the most common characteristics of a site that may be easily breached or cause a virus on your computer is the absence of security for the site itself- the padlock icon and the verification you get upon entering the URL. Ensure you’re on a site that isn’t threatening your data.

    Don’t let bullies get you down.

    Certain people make use of the Internet to cause trouble for their peers. Bullies may even suicidal-bait their victims. Ensure you know these individuals have a negative reputation, and you shouldn’t consider them as serious. If you think they’ve taken things overboard, do not hesitate to inform the police. Cyberbullying is not acceptable and shouldn’t be allowed to continue.

    Make sure you turn off the Bluetooth.

    A group of researchers discovered that Bluetooth communication can be affected and manipulated.1 Researchers could exploit a Bluetooth connection flaw and monitor and alter the information in the nearby Bluetooth communication.

    This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use Bluetooth. Switching it off is best if you’re not connecting with another device or actively employing it. It could even help save some batteries through this.


    Beware of online scams is crucial to keeping your data secure. Utilizing solid passwords, using two-factor authentication, and being cautious when sharing details about yourself can reduce the chance of being a victim of fraudulent activities. Also, regularly monitoring your accounts, credit, and finances could help identify any suspicious activity before it becomes obvious. The time is worth it to be vigilant and protect yourself from scammers.

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