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5 Things Everyone Must Know About Digital Marketing Trends in 2022

    Artificial intelligence, data-driven marketing, and voice search were ambitious concepts that
    seemed ridiculous in the past. But today, these are only a few of the top digital marketing
    trends you will be seeing more of in the coming year.

    If you want your business to remain competitive in the noise of the online world, you must
    apply the latest innovations and hire a digital marketing company.

    This article explores the top digital marketing trends that will help your business not only
    survive but thrive in this era of never-ending marketing changes.

    The Rise Of AI Will Gather Pace

    Google will be ending their cookie tracking in 2022. While this change may have long been
    anticipated, its complete demise in 2020 will make effective ad targeting more challenging. As a
    result, digital marketing strategists may need to start planning how to adjust their methods
    during 2022 to cope with the changes that are about to happen.

    As a result, the rise of AI digital marketing will gather pace. Marketing that doesn’t leverage the
    benefits of AI will miss out on programs like automated reports on web traffic, keyword
    recommendations for better organic search, and predictions of customers’ future purchases.
    Applying AI has a noticeable effect on the bottom line- 76% of companies who automate their
    marketing can generate ROI within a year.

    Customers Will Be Using Voice Search More

    AI has spawned several custom tools, from marketing intelligence to conversations. For
    example, chatbots are now deployed in B2C interactions. While they don’t need to speak to a
    human, consumers use their voices for web search and make purchases.

    Currently, 27% of the global online population uses voice search on their smartphones. This
    percentage accounts for 80% of total spending, around $40 billion. So, hearing your consumer’s
    voice will be more critical in the coming years.

    Marketing Will Become More Multi-Channel

    Your target market isn’t limiting their activity to one channel. With numerous social media
    channels having deep market penetration and many users, effective marketing strategies of
    your digital marketing company must be applied across all the main channels. A consistent
    message on a wide range of media is predicted to become the norm.

    More Online Events

    Online events enable you to speak directly to your audience and gather data about them. In the
    short-term, online events are a way to drive revenue and open doors to build an ongoing
    longer-term relationship with customers and potential ones.

    A brand would have a better chance of being the first in the customer’s mind to make a
    purchasing decision if they could learn something from a brand that hosted the event. As a
    result, online events will begin to dominate overt advertising market shares as brands look to
    foster a reputation as experts and thought leaders in their industry.

    Storytelling As A Sales Tool

    Describing your product is not enough, especially in B2B marketing, where the customer base is
    results-focused. Storytelling is another area for growth in soft selling techniques and will be on
    the rise as case studies on successful product implementation take the place of advertising.
    Brands must convey hard facts such as if their solutions could increase a client’s sales, save
    them money, and streamline their processes. But they must tell these data through stories and
    not merely sell them.

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