What exactly does SMD mean in text? We have 424 definitions of SMD abbreviation or acronym within eight categories. SMD definitions as an abbreviation, acronym shorthand, slang term or acronym differ from category to category. Make sure you look for them with care.
Short-form term used to describe the use of the “suck my dick” phrase. Popular in messages.
What does SMD mean?
SMD is a popular abbreviation used for texting and also on Instagram, Facebook and elsewhere online, but what exactly does SMD mean in the context of slang?
The most common SMD meaning
SMD is a short form as Suck My Dick.
Utilizing SMD

SMD can be used to express the ugliness or resentment of people, similar to the expression ‘go f**k yourself’.
Anyone who is prank-calling me can text me!
Alternative Meaning of SMD
Surface Mounted Device.
What is the meaning of SMD?
- Suck My Dick.
- Related Slang Terms
- Bye Felicia Please get out from my eyes.
- FOH F**k Outta Here.
- GFY”Go F**k Yourself.
- GTFO, Get the F**k Out.
- IDFWU I Don’t F**k with You.
- KMS Kill Meself.
- KMT Kiss My Teeth.
- Pfft A sign of disapproval.
- Pft A sign of disapproval.
- Swerve Leave and let me be.
- BJ Blow Job.
- DSL Dick Sucking Lips.
What is SMD when you text?
What is SMD mean, What is the significance in the SMD acronym in a Facebook chat or text message?
1. Share my drink; employed when attending a party or any event at which there are a limited number of drinks and lots of people
2. shake(ing) the head of my head to shake my head; whenever shaking the head doesn’t suffice.
3. suck my dick; nuff’ said
4. Save my dad When your dad is in a colossal danger, and speaking up is just a waste of time
5. sausage my dish when you’d prefer to have sausages
1. Hey girl. SMD, it’s pretty delicious and filling.
2. You’re so dumb. SMD.
3. SMD!
4. Please help! My dad is getting worse! SMD!
5. I’m sooo hungry. SMD.
- SMD is the acronym for
- In text SMD Suck My Deck.
- SMD suck my D*ck.
- SMD Social Media Douchebag.
- In text SMD Sega Mega Drive.
- SMD Small Man’s Disease.
- SMD Simian Mobile Disco.