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15 Best Mobile App Testing Tools

    Hello everyone, Today we are going to share a great 15 Best Mobile App Testing Tools. Mobile app testing tools for your mobile devices that will assist in the construction of the test are available. Upload Android, iOS or any other mobile apps for the platform are testing whether you following our mobile app testing tools can help.
    So here is the list of 15 Best Mobile App Testing Tools.



    eggPlant is a range of test tools that helps teams get software products to market faster, with higher quality, less effort, and clearer traceability. Through unique technology eggPlant tools combine power and flexibility with a simplicity that means any tester can be productive in hours.



    Ensure the quality of your mobile apps and websites on real devices and carrier networks. Keynote Mobile Testing, powered by the DeviceAnywhere Cloud, streamlines your testing process and helps you deliver great mobile experiences to your users.



    The Ranorex framework supports the latest versions of all mobile operating systems. Start automating your Android, iOS and Windows 8 app testing – find bugs earlier and with less effort.


    Android SDK

    Android SDK

    At the core of Android Studio is an intelligent code editor capable of advanced code completion, refactoring, and code analysis. The powerful code editor helps you be a more productive Android app developer.



    MonkeyTalk is the world’s greatest mobile app testing tool. MonkeyTalk automates real, functional interactive tests for iOS and Android apps – everything from simple “smoke tests” to sophisticated data-driven test suites. Native, mobile, and hybrid app, real devices or simulators.



    Run the same test on all operating systems (iOS, Android, Windows Phone8 & BlackBerry) with your existing testing framework.Low maintainance and full portability ensured by the most advancednative/web identification methods in the market.



    Robotium is an Android test automation framework that has full support for native and hybrid applications. Robotium makes it easy to write powerful and robust automatic black-box UI tests for Android applications. With the support of Robotium, test case developers can write function, system and user acceptance test scenarios, spanning multiple Android activities.



    WebDriver is used to do functional testing of web applications on many platforms and browsers. By applying WebDriver and all related technologies to native applications, we hope to bridge the gap and alleviate the impedance mismatch between Web Applications and Native Applications.



    Twist tackles the biggest problems that prevent most companies from building an automated regression suite that can keep pace with their complex changing application. Twist helps teams create maintainable, understandable test suites while providing a bridge from manual to automated testing..



    Neotys helps companies improve the quality, reliability and speed of their web and mobile applications using next-gen load testing and performance monitoring products and services.



    SandStorm helps enterprises to measure and enhance the performance of their Web, Mobile and Big Data applications.


    TestQuest CountDown

    TestQuest CountDown
    TestQuest is the premier test automation solution designed for ISVs and OEMs who want to bring applications and smart, connected systems to market quickly, at low cost and with increased quality.



    Appium is an open source test automation framework for use with native, hybrid and mobile web apps. It drives iOS and Android apps using the WebDriver protocol


    The Essential

    The Essential
    Mobile is booming, and that’s a good thing! But with multiple operating systems and tens of thousands of devices on the market, how can you ensure your app delights your users everywhere, every time, at every turn? Applause arms you with a 360° approach to mobile app quality to win in today’s ultra-competitive apps economy.



    As a testimony of Testdroid’s versatile features and capabilities, the best mobile companies providing apps for Android and iOS are using our products to build their apps from the scratch, build very large and complex apps, fine-tuned all nitty-gritty details, and launched those for hundreds of millions of users.

    3 thoughts on “15 Best Mobile App Testing Tools”

    1. Mobile App Testing is very necessary for the smooth functioning of any application. Your post contains mobile app testing tools that can ease the testing process for the software tester. Very valuable thing you have shared. Thanks a lot. Keep sharing in the future also.

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