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Is SEO Dead? Is SEO Still Worth It in 2021

    If your business relies on its website success, it is possible that you have rely heavily on an expert SEO strategy over these years.

    SEO is now the principal way websites rank well on Google and Bing SERPS. They also increase their domain authority and organic traffic. Finally, they can expand their customer bases.

    In 2021 is SEO Dead?

    Although SEO has remained fairly consistent over the past few years, current SEO guidelines are being overhauled. That overhaul has caused some to believe that SEO may be dying.

    SEO is growing, but the rules of successful SEO strategies are constantly changing.

    Bad SEO is the only type that is really dying. Poor SEO is what’s really dying. See Also: How to Get Traffic From YouTube

    SEO is alive, and you can see why. White-hat SEO is a proven strategy that delivers great results for businesses. The game has changed, but SEO is now all about providing quality and useful information to readers. Let’s take a look at all the reasons.

    SEO is changing. Just like it’s always been.

    Ask anyone who has been working in search engine optimizing for more than a year and they will tell that the landscape of SEO has changed significantly. The landscape has changed dramatically many times since the advent of SEO.

    It is due to the value system created through Bing and Google’s algorithms.

    Google has actually updated its core ranking algorithm many times. Beyond that, SEO is constantly evolving to help users find the best sites.

    Although one type of SEO might be no longer relevant, another type of SEO will soon emerge. The new rules and form of SEO will eventually disappear into the background as algorithms and methods change.

    Seo goes beyond content and backlinks.

    Although guest blogging was once the most important aspect of an SEO strategy, they are no longer the only thing that matters. Google may be tempted to dismiss the importance backlinks and guest blogs in the future. But there’s one reason why this will be difficult for them.

    The reason for this is that their core algorithm still requires backlink information to rank.

    Website owners will no longer be able to rely on backlinks as their only source of SEO. They will have to optimize the websites they own to increase their rank. This may involve adding great content and better metrics to optimize the site to what Google actually wants.

    What is the future in SEO?

    SEO is not moving anywhere. But, it may be changing in some way. SEO is constantly evolving, and it’s becoming more difficult. This could eventually make it more difficult for SEO specialists to dominate this market.

    It used to be possible to do great SEO strategies right from your home. But this may be less feasible. There are no more keyword stuffing and spamming links to help you see huge increases in your SEO.

    It is important to have a well-thought out strategy and to execute it well.

    The best way to do this is to find out what the main reason for SEO is. Traffic is the core reason behind SEO. SEO is only relevant if it leads increase traffic. Therefore, whatever you do to increase traffic to your site, whether through guest blogging, PPC or Facebook, it is the right thing to do.

    Diversifying your SEO

    Diversifying and improving your SEO approach is the best way for you to be prepared for the future. To ensure that you are ready for whatever changes may occur in the future, here are some ways to diversify and improve your SEO.

    Your pages will be ranked in the SERPs

    Search engine results pages will continue to play a key role in SEO. Finding high-value, easily accessible keywords and key terms will continue to be a crucial part of SEO. It will be an excellent way to use guest blogging to achieve your digital marketing goals.

    Google Images Rankings: Rank your images

    This will help drive tons of visitors to your site by ranking your site’s images in Google images. Backlinks can be obtained for free by bloggers within your niche who may wish to use your photo with credit.

    Youtube aids in organic ranking

    YouTube continues its role as a powerful tool for companies to grow their audience, expand their reach and increase their site traffic. The key to diversifying your SEO strategy is getting a YouTube channel up and working with influencers from your niche can be as easy as setting up a YouTube account.

    Guest blogging

    Guest blogging will remain a crucial part of SEO in the years ahead. Google’s algorithm still uses backlinks to rank pages and domain authority in search results. This is why guest blogging will continue to be so important. You may think guest blogging is sufficient for your site. However, getting backlinks form high authority websites in your niche will play an important role.

    SEO, is it worth it? This is the answer!

    SEO isn’t dead. Some old SEO techniques, however, are still relevant!

    Google’s algorithm update is only meant to get rid off poor quality content which should not be on the #1 page of SERP.

    Your organic search rankings must compete with more elements in Google’s new search results page. These changes bring new opportunities for high quality content, image, or video SEO.

    Google is becoming smarter, more sophisticated and faster. It’s much more adept at distinguishing quality content from low-quality spam.

    Spammy SEO tactics that used to be dominant before are no longer effective. This is an example:

    • Spammy backlinks are a threat to your website.
    • Copying content of another source
    • Keyword stuffing
    • Sites that are slow or not reliable
    • Sites that aren’t optimized for mobile devices
    • Clickbait headlines
    • Google also punishes other malpractices.

    Google’s algorithm has changed so much that many of the SEO tactics that once dominated and propelled websites to top positions no longer work.

    Many SEO “experts” are now scrambling for answers with algo updates. Spammy practices, which were their bread-and- butter, are no more valid.

    Yes, it is true that you can’t buy $5 for 100,000 backlinks from Fiverr. It’s a BIG NO!

    Example of a person offering backlinks for sale on Fiverr

    Fiverr: Paid backlinks

    They will not help you rank highly in search results.

    Answering the question, “Is SEO worth it?” is a difficult one. But I can assure you that it’s well worth it. If you want to reap the full benefits without Google Panda, you have to learn how to do SEO correctly.

    Let’s look at SEO in order to rank on Google by 2021.

    How to do Google Search Engine Optimization in 2021.

    SEO is actually improving, with 82% reporting greater effectiveness and 42% reporting an increase in effectiveness.

    Google’s workings can be used to your advantage by learning how you can use it.

    Google has three ranking elements:

    Great user experience (UX).

    High-quality content

    Website authority

    To align with Google’s guidelines for high-quality content and great UX, you need to optimize every aspect of your website. SEO is essentially the same thing.

    Keep this in mind: To rank well in Google in 2020 you will need to perform two types or SEO.

    This type is performed on your site. The process and end result are completely under your control. Two additional sections can be added to the on-page search engine optimization (SEO):

    Technical SEO: This involves tweaking and improving your site’s performance and UX. For example, having a mobile-friendly website, fast loading speed and sitemaps. Implementing schema markup (important for the new SERP features), and installing an SSL certificate are all examples.

    Content Optimization: This involves keyword research to determine the topics for which you want to write your content. Tools such as Ahrefs, Google Keyword Planner and Google Keyword Planner can help you do this. Find out how to find the most profitable keywords in our detailed guide. Once you have found your target topic you will optimize it with title tags, meta descriptions and H1, H2, or H3… headings. Keyword density, image SEO, and internal and externe linking are some of the other options.

    Databox reports that Meta descriptions and page titles are critical to convert SEO rankings into traffic.

    Both must contain the main target keyword, be attractive (“click-worthy”), as well as be the right length.

    Maximum length of page meta title is 60 characters Meta description should be between 120-160 characters.

    Yoast SEO plugin allows you to do On-page optimization of your WordPress website.

    Off-page optimization

    Sometimes, SEO off-page is referred as link building.

    This process takes place without your site’s knowledge, so you don’t have much control. It serves one purpose: to improve the authority of your site in your niche.

    Exemplary of how backlinks can connect your site with an external web page

    Google recognizes your pages as high-quality if they have higher authority. You can create outstanding content and then get backlinks (aka backlinks), from other sites.

    These 32 link building techniques will teach you how to build high quality backlinks.

    Check out our easy-to-follow guide on how to quickly rank your brand new website.

    SEO vs PPC

    SEO and PPC sound often like polar opposites.

    SEO and PPC can be described as marketing channels that operate in different ways, and produce different results. It’s important that you understand the pros of each to make an informed decision.

    SEO will help you maintain a high ranking on Google.

    SEO pros

    SEO produces long-term results. Google ranks you highly and you will reap the benefits for a long period of time.

    SEO is also cost-effective because the initial investment can be spread out over a longer time period.

    SEO is an excellent way to target information-based words.

    SEO Cons:

    SEO results take time. It may take 3-6 months to get serious organic traffic on a brand new website.

    SEO does not only require technical tweaks and optimizations, but also high-quality content.

    It won’t be a good idea if you run a disruptive startup where everyone is unaware of you and aren’t even looking for you.

    Google ads are a great alternative. They don’t seem intrusive or distracting and fit right in with the page. They blend seamlessly into organic results so you may not even be aware that they are ads.

    They are identical to other organic listings except for the tiny badge that says “ad”,

    Google Ad

    Google Ads makes it easy to get to page one in minutes. Your listing will be deleted from Google results as soon you stop paying them.

    PPC pros

    PPC can deliver fast and immediate results. After you enable your campaigns, you can start generating clicks or traffic almost immediately.

    It allows precise targeting. You can limit your campaigns to specific keywords, groups, or interests.

    PPC lets you experiment and test at a lightning fast pace. As you can see results very quickly, you can also A/B test everything to optimize performance and maximize your ads’ effectiveness.

    PPC works well for sales and product-related keywords.

    PPC pros:

    Pay-per Click campaigns can be costly. PPC’s competition is always increasing. This causes the cost per click (CPC), to go up. Because you pay for each click/visitor, it can become very difficult to control. To run profitable PPC campaigns, you need to optimize campaigns for maximum performance and figure out your backend offer.

    Paying per click is a cost that you must pay, making it difficult to scale. Google Ads comes with the biggest drawback. Each click that takes you to your page will result in you having to pay a specific amount.

    Google Ads allows you to occupy greater real-estate on SERP. However, it is possible to spend more on advertising.

    If that is the case, then you might be interested in bidding on your site name. This will ensure that any clicks that could go to your website do not get hijacked and diverted to other businesses offering similar services.

    Concurrency bidding by competitors for brand terms

    PPC and SEO should not be viewed as alternatives to marketing. They’re not!

    Both are viable options that can be included in your overall digital strategy. Both are great alternatives. They complement one another perfectly.

    SEO and PPC are best used in conjunction. PPC can help you raise awareness, promote a limited-time offer, or to own your custom search results page.

    SEO can be used to optimize your website for long-term organic visitors. To bring users back to your site for finalization, you can use retargeting advertisements.

    How to get started today with SEO

    Are you ready for your own SEO campaign? Let’s get started!

    SEO is still alive and doing well. There are a few things that you can do now, at no cost. There’s no better time to begin SEO than now.

    Google can index your website quickly by doing a quick Google search. Google indexes your website and pages so it can rank for relevant keywords.

    Site search

    Google will show you how to check it.


    This will provide a list of all pages on your site which have been indexed and ranked by Google.

    Google Search Console is another option.

    Google Search Console Example of Index Coverage Report

    Report on Google Search Console Index Coverage

    If there are no results, this indicates that your site has not been indexed. You are now in serious trouble.

    Find out 12 ways Google Search Console will boost your SEO.

    You also need to test your site’s load speed.

    SEO 2020 will be heavily influenced by page loading speed, as I said earlier. Ranking on Google requires a responsive, fast-loading website.

    Google Page Speed Insights provides another free tool to help you determine the speed of your website.

    Page speed insights

    Simply type in your page URL to check the performance of your site on both mobile and desktop.

    Mobile friendly

    Mobile-friendliness is another important ranking factor. Google provides another tool for free: Mobile-Friendly Check.

    Last but certainly not least, measure organic traffic.

    Example of Google Analytics Traffic Sources Report

    Google Analytics Traffic Sources

    Log into Google Analytics. Click Acquisitions > Source and Medium to find the google/organic line. Take a look at how much traffic your site is getting.

    Analyze to see if traffic is increasing or decreasing.

    SEO is an iterative endeavor. You must constantly measure your results and strive to improve. SEO audits are important every three to six monthly.


    SEO is it worth it for 2021?

    Damn, it sure is!

    Organic still leads all traffic sources and doesn’t appear to be slowing down. When someone needs your product or service, they search Google (or their voice assistants) for relevant keywords.

    Potential customers will have more ways to discover your company through the use of new technologies.

    The following article will show you how to use the best SEO techniques to increase your chances at appearing at the top Google search results.

    PPC and Social Media are great but cannot replace organic traffic. These marketing channels do not replace organic traffic. They complement each other for a complete digital marketing experience.

    SEO is a long-term investment that will result in reliable traffic and increased sales. SEO is an excellent investment.

    Now it’s your turn. How do you see SEO and organic traffic in 2021

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