Images are essential for most websites. Impressive images help you attract your audience and get their attention. Does this mean you need to add as many pictures as possible?Unfortunately, that’s not the right way to go about it.
Images are not only relevant, they need to be optimized for the web. If you’re using WordPress, it’s nice to know that there are some WordPress plugins that you can use to tweak your images before uploading them to your website.
Experts have tried many ways to improve page speed load times, but image compression is guaranteed to work. Image compression modifies the file size, so it uses less storage than the original version. With less storage required, it loads faster and improves page speed across your website.
However, if you fill a website with unoptimized images, it may become less interesting and your website unbearably slow. Everyone works for you.
This article lists we introduces the best free images optimize plugins for wordPress.
Why should you use the Images Optimize Plugins on your wordPress website?
During image optimization, an image is adapted to certain website criteria. The set of these criteria includes dimensions, sizes, resolutions and correct formats. Finally, images should be presented in a way that doesn’t slow down the website or affect the user experience.
If your website does not load faster, users will leave your website and your website ranking will fall to the search engine. This does not mean that the image should not be used. Images provide engagement rather than longer content, so you should use images everywhere you need your blog.
To reduce the size of the image, you can optimize the image by compressing the image without significantly affecting the image quality. You can resize pictures, delete picture information, and change picture extensions.
So, I won’t go into any further details here, but instead use a good third-party plugin to compress your images using various compression and compilation methods.
Check out the best options for the WordPress Image Optimizer plugin

Optimole is an all-in-one solution for all your image optimization needs. Optimole has full automation and various advanced features that make it easy to clean up heavy images and bloated pages.
Optimole uses a cloud-based system to optimize images in real time, speeding up your website and delivering high quality images in perfect size. Fit for all devices. With just one click setup and a minimal footprint, you can start improving your site in minutes.
The Basic Plan allows you to optimize the unmeasured number of images for up to 5,000 monthly visits. Delivered all from over 200 locations around the world. The free version is fully functional and has all of the following great features:

Images make up more than 70% of the page weight. Image optimization is the easiest way to improve page speed. Faster sites lead to more engagement, sales, and sign-up. Gumlet helps you to achieve the maximum possible image optimization instantly. This also improves the SEO of the image.
All images on the site will be optimized as soon as the plugin is installed. Gumlet doesn’t touch the original image, it just remains. JavaScript detects the screen size of the user device and instantly optimizes every image on the page.

Recent images are an important part of all websites and mobile applications. They are at the heart of a great product and user experience. Manage images and provide perfect images tailored and optimized for your device
However, this takes a lot of development and maintenance time that could have been used to build the core product. This is where ImageKit excels. This plugin automatically updates all image URLs in posts and fetches images from ImageKit for optimization and faster delivery on behalf of the web server.

The plugin uses minimal resources on the server and all polling is done by the API service on the server. No binaries are installed on the server and the site does not slow down.
The plugin will only be executed if it is really needed. Image optimization provides high quality images in the right format, size, size and resolution while maintaining the smallest possible size.

WP Smush is a fast and easy to use plugin that optimizes and compresses images on your own server.
You can configure the plugin to automatically optimize all new images when uploading new images to your site. Click on the images in the media library to optimize one at a time.
Then, in the Attachment Details window, select Smush. Once you have selected the height and width of the image, you can make it smaller and resize. It is convenient to leave the original image as it is.
The free plugin offers lossless optimization techniques and the option to batch optimize up to 50 files at the same time. You can also compress existing files.
In this case a batch optimization is helpful. WP Smush can select any image file from any directory to compress and is compatible with most plugins for managing WordPress media libraries.

The best WordPress image optimizer with no finger release. Just install the plugin and Sirv will create it automatically and minimize the file size to avoid over-compressing. The default settings are great for most sites, and you can easily adjust all the options if you want to get an inside look.
Automatically optimize existing WordPress media library images without releasing your finger. Sirv can automatically copy the media library to Sirv, from where the images are provided as fast and highly optimized images.

Piio significantly improves website load times by generating responsive, real-time images and serving them using lazy loading. Visitors can experience device-optimized images. The images are available as soon as you scroll through the website.
Piio is the only image optimization service in the world that requires no maintenance. Piio is installed on the front end, so you understand what’s going on with HTML. Recognize the device the user is using and automatically resize the image on the fly without having to change storage.
Piio is more than just an image compressor. It recognizes the device and browser your visitors are using and provides pixel perfect to all your visitors in real time.
Compress JPEG & PNG

Compress JPEG & PNG is a free WordPress image compression plugin.To use this plugin, you need to create a free TinyPNG account. This free account can compress 100 images each month.
The JPEG and PNG compression settings give you control over many settings, such as size and auto-compression, which automatically compress the image according to your needs.
Image SEO Optimizer

Image SEO Optimizer is the best plugin WordPress to optimize image alt text and SEO friendly content names. The plugin can optimize the html attributes of the image when uploading, or batch the entire library.
This plugins for image optimization are compatible with WooCommerce, NextGen Gallery, SEOPress, All-in-One SEO and all important plugins.
ShortPixel Image Optimizer

From a simple interface, ShortPixel Image Optimizer allows you to choose between lossy and lossless compression. If you install the plugin and adjust the settings, all JPG, PNG, GIF, WebP and PDF images will be optimized automatically, but you can disable the automatic optimization if you want. You can also convert JPEG, PNG, GIF to WebP.
You can use both lossy and lossless compression on PDF files in addition to the most common image types .We also offer glossy JPEG compression, a very high quality lossy optimization algorithm.
Batch optimizer helps you compress all existing images with one click. The plugin not only compresses images that are in your media library, but also images from galleries such as those added via NextGEN or FTP. Automatically save a backup of all your uploaded images in a new folder.
EWWW Image Optimizer

EWWW Image Optimizer uses lossless compression to automatically optimize JPG, PNG, or GIF images uploaded to your site. You can also optimize images for existing posts and pages. Optionally, convert the image to a file format that displays the smallest-sized image.
If your media library contains a large number of images, you can optimize the entire lot at once. One of the main advantages of EWWW Image Optimizer is that all compression can be processed on the server without having to resort to external third-party services. Hence the optimization is much faster. For this to work the plugin must be properly configured in your local WordPress folder.

WordPress’ Imagify plugin automatically optimizes images in your media library to the compression level you have chosen.
This plugin is compatible with WP Retina 2X and therefore optimizes all images, including thumbnails and retina-enabled images.Also compatible with WooCommerce & NextGEN Gallery.
With the batch optimization function, you can optimize all images with one click. The plugin can also do the resizing, so you don’t have to resize the image before uploading it. There are three possible compression levels with different image quality losses. Normal compression uses a lossless method so there is no loss of quality.

Imsanity will automatically process huge images by detecting a size larger than it needs for regular website use, but it will be managed to fit in your browser.You can also adjust the height, width and quality of the image.
To free some disk space, this plugin can also resize all previously uploaded images. This plugin is useful if your blog has many contributors who aren’t too keen on resizing each image. You can also use this plugin to convert BMP files to JPG before resizing.
Kraken supports both lossless and intelligent lossy compression. You can compress JPG, PNG, and GIF files, including animated GIF files. Optimize both new image uploads and existing uploads.
You can set the maximum height and width of the image to prevent users from uploading huge images. You can also specify the maximum number of optimizations to perform at one time, then optimize the images individually or in batches. You can use advanced techniques to enhance the image while resizing.
The true power of Kraken is their “smart and irreversible” optimization. I use it on all websites and I never have to reset the image due to excessive deterioration. We hope to be able to add some advanced settings to the WordPress plugin in the future.
Download is a great plugin for image optimization and can be used without any problems. This is certainly a free tool that you can install and activate right away. If you want to brighten your website, there are ways to optimize your visual content. With you can compress your images as needed and save a lot of space.
Additionally, you can quickly optimize in bulk or set the tool to optimize automatically when it is uploaded. If desired, you can also exclude some images to preserve quality.
Image Optimizer by 10web

Do you have a lot of high resolution images on your site? Images on websites can significantly increase page load times and frustrate site visitors. Image optimization not only accelerates your website but also helps to save bandwidth and storage space on your website.
The powerful Image Optimizer with 10 web plugins makes it easy to optimize and compress your images. The free solution works fine with JPEG, PNG and GIF files. However, if you want to upgrade to the pro version, you can also optimize the PDF file completely. However, if the free tools work, you can always use them.
The image optimization plugin can optimize new images for upload, but it can also optimize existing images on your website. The WordPress plugin comes with a batch optimization option that allows you to optimize multiple images at once with one click.
WP Retina 2x

WP Retina 2x creates image files for high-resolution devices. The image is automatically generated and displayed on the retina device. It is unique in that it produces a retinal image even with a full size image. The advantage of using this plugin is that it allows you to use images of a certain size that look good even if they are not true to the size of the page.
Various options are supported to provide images to your visitors. Why? Depending on the theme and plugins used, as well as the use of the images on your website, not all methods will work. Ideally, we recommend using the responsive image method. If that still doesn’t work, try the PictureFill method which usually covers most of the cases. Retina.js must be a fallback method. There are a lot more options than this with specific options.
Robin image optimizer

Robin Image Optimizer is a advanced image optimizer that stands out from other WordPress plugins. Robin Image Optimizer is a free WordPress image optimizer plugin with zero limit in terms of number of images and quality of optimizatio
The lower the weight of the image, the faster the page loads. As mobile users continue to grow, so does the need to optimize mobile websites. If you don’t want to lose money due to a lot of rejections due to poor ad performance, it’s a good idea to start with image optimization.
Robin releases all potential for optimizing photos. Can be set to optimize automatically. You can also practice manual bulk optimization or choose from three compression modes.
SEO Image Optimizer

If you compose your image with the appropriate title and tags, it can rank higher than the search results articles. Image search is very powerful, but still industry-dependent.
Image optimization for Seo is a wordPress plugin. This plugin resizes and compresses images to speed up your site. The image title and alternate tags are also replaced. All changes are made without affecting the code or the database.
WP Compress

Image compression has never been easier with WP Compress. This free image-optimized WordPress plugin will instantly spin the ball. Once set, WP Compress keeps optimizing your content daily in the background, so you don’t have to do anything else. Instead of slowing down a website with too many large images, you can now optimize them all with the help of WP Compress.
In addition, in autopilot mode, the plugin will continue to run jobs. The user should not take any action. This means that when you upload new content, WP Compress will instantly optimize it.
SG Optimizer

The SG Optimizer plugin has several different parts that handle certain performance optimizations
Here you can enable or disable automatic optimization of newly uploaded images, or bulk optimize old images. You can also enable or disable lazy loading of various assets such as iframes, videos, thumbnails, widgets, shortcodes, etc. You can also enable lazy loading for mobile requests. You have the option to exclude certain images from lazy loading.

The free version of Optimus limits its use by imposing a 100 KB file size limit on the images it can process. By default, images are automatically compressed up to 70% on upload and the achieved compression is shown as a percentage in the media library. The optimization is done on the Optimus server and returns a compressed image. All additional information saved during the processing of images not needed for display is deleted.

WP-Optimize is a complete solution for optimizing your website to improve overall performance. After all, pages need to load as fast as possible, especially for modern mobile users. With WP-Optimize you can clean up, compress and cache your website
With WP-Optimize, you can also optimize the image. It provides bulk compression, original decompression, automatic compression function, and EXIF data retention. You can also compress images up to 64MB. WP-Optimize’s excellent “multi-pass lossy compression algorithm” compresses each image as much as possible while always maintaining the highest resolution.
Resize Image

Free, fast, stable and frequently updated plugin to resize images after upload.
In addition to automatically resizing JEPG, PNG, and GIF images during upload, resizing images after upload allows you to optimize existing files on your website. You can force recompression of uploaded JPEGs and convert PNGs to JPEGs. After installing the plugin, you will need to edit the height and width of the image on the settings page.
Media File Renamer

By default, Media File Renamer automatically renames media entry filenames based on the title. You can trigger this or have it fire whenever you change the title. You can also rename the file manually.
The new name appears in Media Manager. The button allows you to quickly rename the file. You can also rename all files in bulk from a small dashboard. If everything is ok, you can use the plugin’s filters to choose how to rename the file. The lock option prevents further renaming of the file name.
BJ Lazy Load

BJ Lazy Load is another free plugin to speed up your website. This is not an image compression plugin. Helps the visitor upload the image as they scroll through the page and enter the position of the image in the browser window. These images were initially replaced by placeholders.
This plugin replaces all post images, post thumbnails, grabber images, content iframes and loads the content when a visitor enters the browser window when scrolling the page. It also works with text widgets.
Which WordPress Image Optimization Plugin is Right for You?
Therefore, these plugins allow WordPress users to easily compress images and improve website performance, regardless of their image editing skills.As you can see, there are many similarities with the same number. This may make sense as the plugin uses almost the same compression algorithm.
Optimole A pretty powerful free plan that includes a CDN and deferred loading to make sure you always see a specially optimized version of your image on your viewer’s screen and device.
Imagine great compression, features, and user interface. Smush-Unlimited free lossless compression up to 1MB per image. EWWW Free WordPress Image Optimizer with unlimited file size. Remember, it will work on your server.
And if you’re comfortable using your own server, EWWW Image Optimizer is also a great option to optimize unlimited images for free. If you upload large numbers of images, schedule optimization during off-peak hours.
In Conclusion
This concludes the list of WordPress image optimization plugins. Hope you found this reading useful and will help you find the perfect image optimization plugin to meet your budget and requirements.
Mentioned in this article. If you miss your favorite image optimization plugin, let us know in the comments
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