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How to Optimize your Mac: 7 Quick Tips

    Mac is a powerful tool that can handle several projects if optimized well. The common causes of the reduced speed might be the presence of viruses on the computer or spyware programs.

    It can also result from overloading your computer with applications that are not updated. Most of these applications do not have effective compatibility with the Mac. Even though Mac computers have been known to be less prone to complications, below are seven quick tips on optimizing the Mac.

    Clean your computer

    Keeping your Mac clean is one of the most effective ways to optimize its performance. If possible, keep only the files you are using. When there are so many cluttered files on your computer, the working of the RAM is impaired, and it will take a long to load files. Make sure that you perform hard drive cleanup regularly. You can use several tools to create automated rules for organizing and managing your files.

    Use smart backups

    The backup process usually takes a lot of time when dealing with multiple files simultaneously. You need to understand that the higher the number of files you are adding to Mac, the higher the vulnerability of being infected with malware programs.

    That said, backup remains the only viable option that you can use to optimize your computer. Invest in smart backup tools that will automate the whole process and reduce the stress associated with thoughts of losing files.

    Run maintenance scripts regularly

    There are several maintenance scripts that you can use for the general upkeep of the Mac. Most of these scripts initiate processes that run in the background.

    To perform a manual check on your Mac, you must navigate to the Maintenance Scripts via the Maintenance tab. Under the Utilities tab on the section of CleanMyMac, click on the RUN icon to complete a manual scan for your laptop.

    Clean your cache and other junk files

    The system files and cache folders are usually used to aid in retrieving data faster. When these system files and caches build for a long time, they compete with essential files for the available space.

    Use the CleanMyMac tool to scan for the system files and caches. Clear out all the unnecessary data to optimize your Mac.

    Keep the macOS updated

    If you don’t update your macOS when new updates are released, you will face challenges handling most of the applications you will be downloading.

    Ensure that the macOS is up to date to ensure that nothing is lagging when working with the computer. This is one of the simplest ways to optimize Mac’s performance and ensure processes run smoothly.

    Cut down on background utilities and simplify startup menu

    You can turn it off if any unnecessary process runs in the background. To determine the number of tasks running in the background, check the number of icons lined up on the top navigation bar alongside the Wi-Fi and battery icons. Simplify the startup menu and do away with the process that drags the computer performance.

    Pare down your widgets

    To optimize the performance of your Mac, you need to evaluate your widgets and then pair them down. These tools report data like movie times and weather updates and calculate numbers.

    Navigate to the Notification sender, check the widgets you don’t need, and then delete them from your computer. Hold the Opt key, then press the circle with the minus symbol. Remember that every widget running is taking up space.

    ConclusionTo optimize the performance of your Mac, you need to perform each of the processes discussed above. Each is equally important and will contribute to properly working your computer. You will notice a significant improvement in the performance of the Mac.   

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