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How to Add Music to iMovie

    The main element of every video is the Music. Music is important for background and foreground music; it sets the mood for the film or brings the viewer into the emotion. Without Music, your film may become dull, and viewers may lose the attention of viewers.

    If you’re an iOS user, you have an awesome tool to make entertaining videos with iMovie. It is an inbuilt program that comes with Apple and allows you to easily make stunning videos in just a few minutes. But if you still need to discover a way to include Music within iMovie, We’re here to assist you!

    This article will show you how to add background music to iMovie projects with three simple steps. Let’s get started, shall we?

    How do I add Music to iMovie using Mac?

    Launch your iMovie project, and click “Audio” in the upper menu. The option should be located in the right-hand corner of the ‘My Media’ menu on the left side of ‘Titles.’

    It will take you to the Music tab containing all your local music tracks. Scrolling through the files and selecting the song you like or entering into the search bar is possible if you’re like us, with a million pieces of Music!
    Double-click on the track to play it. If it’s acceptable, add it to your timeline project! If you’d like the song to be in sync when it starts with a particular clip, drag it at the beginning of the said video. When you’ve done this, indicate that it’s connected your song with the video. That means that when you shift the video, the audio will follow.
    That’s it! Now you know how to integrate Music in iMovie on Mac. If you’d like to make things more interesting, add audio files directly from the Finder to the iMovie project.

    Music can make the content shine. The catalogue includes 40,000 tracks as well as 90,000 sound effects that are all ready to take your video to a new stage. Explore it below.

    Music can be added to iMovie.

    Adding Music to an iMovie video is an excellent option for defining the tone and atmosphere of the video. iMovie includes an inbuilt music library with many different soundtracks available, and you can also add your songs via the iTunes library. This post explain how you can add Music to the iMovie project.

    If you want to add Music to an iMovie project, you must start the project in which you wish to include Music. Next, select”Music” in the toolbar “Music” icon in the toolbar in iMovie.

    Within the “Music” screen, there is a listing of the available soundtracks. To play a preview of a song, you need to click. If you want to add a soundtrack to your project, drag it from “Music” into the “Music” window to the project’s timeline.

    It is also possible to add your songs to iMovie. To do that, ensure that the Music is stored in the iTunes library. After that, within the “Music” window, you can click the “iTunes” tab. Then, you’ll be presented with a list of all the songs in the iTunes library. To play a song in the preview, you need to click it. To add the song to your project, drag it from the “iTunes” window to the project timeline.

    You can alter the level of Music simply by clicking on the “Audio” button in the iMovie toolbar. Within the “Audio” window, you can use the slider to alter the volume of the Music. Additionally, you can include fade-in and fade-out effects on your Music using the “Fade In” and “Fade out” buttons.

    All you need to do is add Music to your iMovie video project! Utilizing the built-in musical library or making your own, it is possible to set the tone and atmosphere of your film exactly what you’d like.

    How to Import Music into the iMovie program on your Mac:

    You can open Your iMovie Project.
    From the menu at the top select in the upper menu to select Audio & Video.

    You can choose an audio track. It is possible to double-click the music track and hear the preview.
    You can drag and drop this track on your timeline.

    When you add Music to the movie you’ve created using iMovie, You can sync the track with the video you’re editing, then drop it at the beginning of your clip. It will link the music track with the clip so that whenever you drag the clip and drag the clip, the Music follows the clip. Be aware that all tracks contained within the iMovie soundtrack are royalty-free.

    How to add Music in iMovie using an iPad

    Adding Music to iMovie for an iPad is similar to making the same thing happen using an iPhone. We’ll take a look at the steps:

    You can open the video you want to edit within iMovie using your iPad to display the project on the timeline.
    Search for you can see the “Add Media” icon on the screen. Tap on the icon.
    Select “Audio” followed by “Soundtracks” to search the various music choices in the menu.
    It is possible to listen to each track by pressing the track. If the music file still needs to be downloaded, it’ll appear darker in hue. Click it to download the file before pressing it to view the Music.
    If you want to add the Music of your choice to the iMovie movie, Click on the “Add Audio” icon beside the Music.
    iMovie will load the song to your project and insert it in the middle of the reel. Then, it will extend the song to all of them.
    After the import has been completed, you can adjust the length of the clip or create a new one.

    How do I Add Music to iMovie Alternative on Mac/PC

    Suppose you want to add Music to your film or video using your Mac. In that case, it is possible to utilize an iMovie alternative application similar to FlexClip, a high-quality online video editor, both on Mac and Windows PC.

    FlexClip is a better video editor which allows users to download Music directly from their computer or choose one from the extensive library, which includes rich musical components.

    FlexClip is accessible directly from your browser on the internet, so there is no need to download it. Additionally, it has a simple and clean interface, making it simple for users to edit videos regardless of whether they’re a novice to the program without any prior experience editing videos. Learn how to utilize the powerful iMovie Alternative, FlexClip, to add Music to your videos.

    How can you upload Music into iMovie for the iPhone?

    The process is quite simple! After you’ve got your iMovie running in the timeline, you need to click the Add Media function, Audio and finally, Soundtracks, which will let you browse through all available songs. If you locate the song you’re looking for, save it to your computer. After that, press the Add Audio button to add the song to the project. The track will automatically be integrated and fit the length of your video exactly.

    How can I upload Music into iMovie?

    You may not be doing the right thing when making the song, or you’re not using approved audio sources such as iTunes or themes available with iMovie, or Music which you made using other video editors like iMyfone Filme, and YouTube studio, among others. If a song is covered through digital rights management, it can’t be played on iMovie.


    For a summary of the situation, we’ve come up with three methods to transfer YouTube music into the local folder using TunesKit Audio Capture (OFFMP3), Documents from Reddle as well as taught the process of adding songs from YouTube into the iMovie. Creating a stunning video with iMovie is significant; therefore, choosing the perfect Music can be difficult. We hope that, with this guide, you can download any music you like from YouTube and integrate it into your gorgeous video in iMovie.

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