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Best 20 win challenge deck clash royale

    There’s a lot at stake for an aspiring professional with numerous opportunities that come from getting the desired 20 wins. Are you among those? Are you wondering which deck could offer you the most excellent chances to win? Our professional player Morten “Morten” Mehmert is available to assist by giving you a deck that he’s preparing to use for the competition.

    According to Morten, the winning condition with this deck will be Miner with a cheap cycle. Try to cycle as many miners as you can. You can use the Hunter as a ground and air target and four cheap cycle cards with the Hunter. The Bandit is an excellent synergy with the Miner, and to take out your adversaries, the poison spell is your primary weapon for defense and offense.

    You must utilize this Ice Golem to kite enemy troops or protect the Hunter to give him a more excellent value. Bats are also helpful both in offense and defense and are an excellent alternative to the Miner Poison combo while the Miner tanks for them.

    Clash Royale Best 20 Win Challenge Decks for 2022

    Morten suggested this deck on YouTube, which is known as one of the top gamers in the world. There will be more decks to choose from once the competition begins and statistics have been released about the decks performing the best.

    Golden Knight Miner Deck

    This is a professional player, Morten’s preferred deck. If a mix comprising Golden Knight, Miner, Royal Delivery, Mega Minion Poison, The Log, Skeletons, and Tesla is appealing to you, give this deck a shot.

    20 Win Deck LavaLoon

    LavaLoon is among the most sought-after decks for the game and has won 20 times, including player Maxirus winning to the highest level. The deck comprises Balloon, Fireball, Guards, Lava Hound, Mega Minion, Skeleton Dragons, Tombstone, and Zap.

    Electric Giant Archer Queen Deck

    It is a trendy choice on the market right now; it could be very likely to win on the ladder, just as it does to other competitors. You’ll need Archer Queen, Dark Prince, Electric Giant, Goblin Cage, Lightning, Mother Witch, Skeletons, and Tornado.

    Pekka 20 Wins Challenge Deck 2022

    This deck is a Pekka Bridge Spam deck, a well-known deck in clash royale. Many professional players play this deck for competitions and can easily win 12 wins at the top of the challenge. With the aid of poison, Pekka can be the most critical defense and winning factor of this deck. Additionally, we have Bandit, Electro Wizard, and Magic Archer to back your Pekka.

    The Battle Ram will be your second winning condition in this bridge deck. If left on its own, the tournament standard ram could quickly destroy the tower by itself. You’d be surprised at how often this occurs. In counter-push, it’s an ideal card to use to protect troops.

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