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A Red and White Triangular Sign at an Intersection means


    A white and red downward-facing Triangular Sign is known as a yield sign. When you approach the sign, slow down and give up the right-of-way to anyone walking or driving at the intersection. You may need to stop and go through the intersection when you are on a clear path.

    This means that you need to be cautious as you come to the intersection, be ready to stop, and surrender the right-of-way to all traffic at the intersection, cyclists, and pedestrians crossing the street.

    If the road is not blocked, there is no need to bring your vehicle to a complete stop.

    However, when you are given a yield sign, the traffic that is moving towards the opposing direction will not stop. That’s why it’s important to slow down safely if a stop needs to be made.

    Triangular Sign are typically located at roundabouts, which are less crowded and where certain lanes of traffic join.

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