The weighted average of female polar bears is typically between 150 and 250 kg. However, the average weight of male polar bear generally is between 350 and 700 kg. The importance of the typical small family car is believed to be about 1000kg, and a polar bear that weighs 700kg is quite a hefty amount. The most significant recorded polar bear weight was about 1002kg. This is similar to the importance of a typical family car! However, the average weight of polar bears overall is about 450kg. The weights fluctuate not only depending on the age of a Polar bear but also on the entire year’s time.
When polar bears are firstborn, they are usually 0.9 kg. When they are in, they live in the same den as their mothers; they typically grow to 9 to 14 kilograms and eventually leave the cave to go out into the world with an average weight of 10 to 15 kilograms.
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Polar bears hunt at one time of the year. They frequently fast and enter hibernation in another period of the year, and their weight fluctuates. Polar bears weigh the most right after the hunting season and then lighter following the time of fasting before the beginning of the hunting season that follows.
The second-largest bear on the planet can be found in the brown bear. Brown bears have an average weight for females of 130- 220kg, and the average male weight is between 265-355kg. Brown bears can be found in warmer climates than polar bears and can be found in various locations in northwestern America and northern Eurasia. One subspecies of brown bear, known as the Kodiak bear, can be compared to the polar bear’s dimensions and weight.
How Much Does A Polar Bear Weigh
Polar Bears being the giant carnivores of the land, sit near the top of food chains in the Arctic. This is a reason to be curious about the weight and size of Polar bears. In all bear species, the polar bear is among the largest and also the largest. One of the significant reasons for the polar bear’s weight is the massive fat deposits found under their skin. We have gathered all the data about Polar Bear Weight that will provide you with a clear understanding of what a Polar Bear Weigh is. To make it easier for you to understand, we have compared the weight of the Polar Bear against other bear species so you will be aware of where it is.
How Much Does A Polar Bear Weigh
A mature Polar bear can weigh as much as 340-686 kilograms (752-1490 pounds); however, the weight on average is between 385 and 400 kilograms (849 to 904 lbs). Males can reach this weight at ten years old. Kodiak bears weigh slightly more than white bears who are adults.
In the Beaufort Sea, males average around 450 kg (992 lbs) at maturation. They weigh more than twice heavier as females. The giant male polar bear recorded was 1,002 kilograms (2,209 lbs). The bear was killed in the northern part of Alaska (Kotzebue Sound) in the year 1960.
The average adult polar bear weighs between 752 to 1490 pounds, i.e., 340 to 686 kg.
The weight of a polar bear can vary from 849 to 904 pounds, i.e., 385-440 kilograms.
The polar bears that live in the Beaufort Sea have an average weight of 992 lbs, i.e., 450 kg.
Polar Bears feed on a diet that is high in calories, focusing mainly on seal fat, which is the main reason for their significant weight.
Kodiak Bears are the only bear species that weigh slightly weighty than polar bears, on average.
How Much Does Polar a Bears Weigh in Pounds
Polar bears weigh anywhere from 750 to 1450 pounds.
How Much Do Polar Bears Weigh at Birth?
You’ll be amazed to learn that newborn polar bears weigh less than the average developing human on average.
The average weight of newborn polar bears is about 1.5 pounds, and males can weigh less than females.

For a better understanding, For perspective, polar bears born 4-7 days old weigh the same as an average human infant, weighing between 5.5-10 pounds.
The born polar bears are tiny adorable, cute, and small enough that you can hold one in one hand. If you think about how large the polar bears get, they can be surprising.
When they are born, baby Polar bears aren’t just tiny; they are also blind, toothless, and inaccessible.
Additionally, their fur is so smooth that it’s like the hair does not exist. Because of this, the cubs of polar bears are entirely dependent on their mother.
In the beginning, Polar bear babies stay in their dens until their mother decides they are ready to leave.
Within the first month, the cubs of polar bears can see. Within a few months, they venture out of the den.
How Much Does a Male Polar Bear Weigh
- The weighted average that a man’s polar bear is higher than the of a female polar bear.
- Adult male polar bears weigh between 750 and 1450 pounds, i.e., between 340 and 658 kilograms.
- How Much Does a Female Polar Bear Weigh – Female Polar Bear Weight
- A female’s weight in polar bears is about half that of male polar bears.
- The typical female polar bear weighs from 330 to 550 pounds, i.e., 150- 250 kg.
- The maximum female polar bear weight is 260 kg; however, it is highly uncommon.
- Female Polar bears gain weight during pregnancy, which can be upwards of 1100 pounds, i.e., 500 (kg).
How Much Does a Baby Polar Bear Weigh
- The polar bear’s birth cub’s weight varies between 1 and 2 pounds, i.e., 0.45 to 0.9 kg.
- The average weight of polar cubs is in the four-to-five-pound range from 454 grams to 680 grams.
- Polar bear cubs that are this weight when it was born are estimated to be between 13 inches and 30 centimeters.
- When born, male polar bears are slightly bigger in weight and size than female polar bears.
- After the cubs leave their den, they weigh between 25 and 35 pounds, i.e., 11-16 kg.
- At one year, the weight is 200-350 pounds, i.e., 90-164 kg.
- At two years old, male polar bear cubs weigh 400 pounds, i.e., 181 kilos, and are generally more significant than their mothers.
- Polar Bear weight comparison with other bears
What do the polar bears’ diets consist of?
Polar bears are highly carnivores, meaning that 90% of their food comprises meat. They mainly eat seals with bearded and ringed faces because the arctic is the home of thousands of them, making them readily available. They can be a target when they emerge to breathe or dump the ice out to lay down.
Polar bears hunt primarily between water and ice; they seldom pursue seals inland or in open water. They can live in sea ice. Ringed seals weigh around 130 pounds, which makes them ideal for sows to hunt. However, the bearded seal could consider as much as the polar bear that weighs about 600 pounds. Adult males weighing between 770 and 1100lbs are typically too big for sows to hunt and can be food for boars.
But, boars can also catch prey larger than themselves, like walruses that weigh between 1300 and 3300 pounds, which is more than twice the weight of a bear.
Adult bears consume the calorie-rich seal’s skin and fat because it’s very digestible, while the cubs eat the protein-rich meat. They also take food scraps from bears’ kills when food is scarce, or they’ve never been able to capture something.
Because most animals can outrun or outswim polar bears, their diet is supplemented with eating dead seal carcasses or walruses. Subadult bears could eat an unfinished carcass if they are unable to protect it against more giant bears like polar bears. Or even whales whose fat can be easier to digest when it is decayed. They may even take a swim to catch fish like the Arctic fourhorn sculpin or charr.
Polar bears begin their lives weighing around a pound, but they quickly increase to over 500 pounds. With a lifespan of 10 – 15 years, they’re the heaviest when they achieve sexual maturation. Regardless of the conditions they live in, they’ve developed into the most significant and chubby bears in the world.
How Fast Do Polar Bears Grow?
Given how tiny the polar bears are at birth, one could be wondering how quickly they’ll grow to become massive-sized adults.
In the beginning, the baby polar bears weigh just a little over 1 pound.

However, they are increasing and, within a few months, they’d increased 14-20 times their original size. At this point, they’ll weigh between 22 and 33 pounds. This is the time they get out of the cave.
Outside of the den, Polar infant bears continue to grow and, after eight months, they’d weigh more than 99 pounds.
After one year, they’d increased to about the same weight as an ordinary man.
As time passes, the polar bears will continue being with their mothers and taking her milk for more than 20 months.
The milk from polar bears is about 30% more fat than the milk of human beings.
The high-fat content is a factor in the rapid growth rate of Polar infant bears. Even after one year, their rapid growth rate will continue even after being fed through their moms.
The weight of a person fluctuates through various life stages.
The weight of every living thing changes throughout its life, And the polar bear is not an exception as it gets older and becomes more mature, its weight rises. After mating in May or April, the fertilized egg stays in a state of suspension and does not begin to develop until the end of August or September. In these four months, that the sows consume a lot of food that double in weight.
Wild, the cubs of polar bears, weigh between 1 to 2 pounds (0.5 to 1 kilogram) and can be born from November to February. However, the cubs born in captivity could be born early.

The average litter contains two cubs. Even when they are born, sows are less hefty than boars. Despite women putting on lots of mass during pregnancy, the cubs are born with a lightweight. These extra weight deposits help sows produce fat-rich milk. This diet allows them to rapidly increase their weight by 25-35 pounds (11 16 to 16 kgs) within three to four months. The entire bear family is allowed to leave the den in the coming two weeks, but they shouldn’t go too far away.
After the cubs have become accustomed to walking, they can start walking towards the sea ice, and the sows can begin hunting again since they can speed between 7 to 8 months.
When cubs turn one year old, they are between 200-350 pounds (90 to 163 kilograms). When they reach the age of two, boars weigh 400 pounds (181 kgs) and are more significant than their mothers.
Heaviest Polar Bear on Record
The heaviest polar bear observed was recorded in 1960, the year that the male polar bear was killed in Kotzebue Sound in northwestern Alaska.
Its weight was 2,209 lbs i.e 1,002 kilograms.
If you’re wondering how they manage to gain this weight, you should know the following:
What Do Polar Bears Eat.
- Polar Bear Weight Comparison
- Bears Average Weight
- Polar Bears 400 kg
- Brown Bears 150-600 Kg
- American Black Bear 110 kg
- Asian Black Bear 135 kg
- Sun Bear 27 to 65 kg
- Spectacled Bear 100 to 154 kg
- Giant Panda Bear 70 to 100 kg
Are Males Different Weights Than Females?
Male polar bears’ weights are different from the female’s. The majority of male polar bears are about twice as large as their female counterparts.
The difference in weight is among gender-specific traits observed in this species.
Gender differences in weight
Polar bears are among the most dimorphic animals of the ocean as the differences between masculine and feminine species extend beyond having different organs for sexuality. These distinctions can be based on weight, size, color, behavior, and more.
Polar bears that are fully grown weigh between 772 to 1543 pounds (350 700 – 700 kgs). However, on average, the weight ranges from 849 to 904 pounds (385 to 410 kilograms), and those in the Beaufort Sea weigh 992 pounds (450 kgs). The majority of male polar bears, often referred to as boars, achieve the weight at turning ten. The giant male polar bear in the record was 2209 pounds (1002 kgs).
The name sows often refer to female polar bears. In contrast to their male counterparts, they weigh less, around half of the boars’ weight. The enormous sow found was 573 pounds (260 kgs), but this is very uncommon. It is around 331-551 pounds (150 250 to 250 kilograms).
Unexpectedly, when they are pregnant, suck gain a significant amount of weight, rivaling those of males. They can weigh as much as 1102 pounds (500 kgs), more than twice the weight of their bodies.
Sows are sexually mature at the age of 6, and shortly after, they begin to gain weight due to pregnancy. But, the weight gain is not due to the cubs but due to the fat deposits that they accumulate. They can endure months without food and require fat deposits to get them to get through this phase. They leave the den only in the spring.