We are aware that it is fantasy that drives behind the crimes of serial killers however the most terrifying part is that our obsession with them originates from our unconsciously-rooted in our fantasies. In that time, the “golden age of serial killers”-an international phenomenon that lasted from in the 50s to 1990s, when serial killers and cults flourishedand we witnessed an astounding number of serial killers who were prolific (hundreds of them, in fact).
Viral Tweet states Gemini, Pisces and Virgo are the most popular significations for serial killers. Is this real?
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Gemini killers listed comprise Jeffery Dahmer Mary Bell and Kenneth Bianchi. Killers under Pisces star signs on the list include Pisces star sign were John Wayne Gacy, Richard Ramirez along with Donald Henry Gaskins.
Ed Gain, Terry Blair and Dean Carter were infamous Virgo among those included. Additionally, Ted Bundy, George Chapman and Timothy Krajcir were Sagittarius.
Criminals who commit serial murders as well as their infamous signposts have long been a subject for true crime enthusiasts.
British writer David Jester spent two years looking into the defining indicators of the most notorious murderers from The United Kingdom and the United States.
These zodiac signs account for 40 percent of all serial killers.
A new study has found that four signs – Scorpio, Cancer, Sagittarius and Pisces make up nearly 40% of serial murderers. Arizona has the number of victims of serial killers 156 which is the no. 24 in the nation.
Americans have always been fascinated by serial killers such as Ted Bundy, but with the approaching Halloween, Gabby Petito’s murder, and the “Zodiac Killer” reportedly identified after almost 55 years, the interest in the true crime scene is increasing. Despite years of research authorities are still puzzled by serial murderers. As astrology has expanded into an $2.2 billion business in the outbreak, we looked to the heavens to find solutions.
Astrology Zodiac Signs have today published research on what are the Most Common Zodiac Signs of Serial Killers. The study analyzed 485 serial murderers who were responsible for the murder of 5125 victims.
Lester discovered Taurus as the zodiac sign that was associated with the most serial murderers.
Famous Taurus murderers include the first documented serial killer, H. H. Holmes and Levi Bellfield.
Lester also discovered that April 24 (Taurus) along with Feb 18 (Aquarius) was the top two frequent dates that serial killers are believed to be born.
It is true that nearly every star sign has a serial killer in connection with it if you study for it.
If we are in doubt, we only take one option to blame our zodiac signs.
I kid, I kid. To entertain you I took the initiative to study the commonalities between each killer as well as the signs’ characteristics. Killer Cloud provides numbers for each sign-totalling 487 serial killers recorded-to determine who is the most common and most common.
While I’m always convinced that Astrology has scientific merit This article is intended to be read for entertainment purposes only. The psychological aspect of serial killers is still plenty of unanswered issues and possible theories , so we shouldn’t be limiting our understanding to the astrological realm. It’s also not accurate to believe that this list will reveal who is the most inclined to become a serial murderer. The extremes of these serial killers are typical and shouldn’t be used to define every Sun sign as criminal in general.
Results are (almost) shocking. Below are the most-to-least common and the figures for each, as well as how the zodiac’s characteristics influence how murder stories are carried out and channeled.
Important findings regarding serial murderers
Most common Sign: Scorpio, Cancer, Sagittarius and Pisces were the most common signs with 46 serial killers per. Aquarius and Libra (44), Capricorn (42), Virgo (40), Leo (39), Aries (38), Gemini and Taurus (27).

The Deadliest Sign: Capricorns despite being the number. 7 highest number of murderers — were the ones to kill the most people with 813 deaths and which is an average 19 victims per victim. Taurus killed the smallest number of victims, at the 204th victim.
The Deadliest Element: The water indications (Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio) were responsible for the largest number of victims and killers with 28 percent of murderers and 27 percent of victims.
The top killer for each sign Cancer: Samuel Little, 61 victims; Aquarius: Gary Ridgway 49 Aries Donald Harvey, 37 Pisces John Wayne Gacy, 33 the Libran: Bill Longley, 32; Capricorn: Dean Corll 28, Sagittarius: Ted Bundy, 28; Scorpio: Bell Gunness, 25; Taurus: Earle Nelson, 22 and the Virgo: Gerald Stano, 22 Gemini Jeffrey Dahmer, 17 Leo: Joseph Cristopher and William Suff 12.
Capricorn (55 killers)
Personally, I’m too surprised. It’s evident what the root cause most likely is: the need for absolute power and control. Capricorn is not just an the most authoritarian of signs, they’re also notorious for killing rituals– their M.O. typically being robbery, strangulation and an underlying religious argument based on the concept of destiny. So, who is the one who decides on destiny? Capricorn.
Leo (46 killers)
The next to be on this list are the Zodiac’s most royal: Leo. Although Leo is less of numbers, their overall body count and the nature of their crimes should place them higher than Capricorn among the elite. The M.O. is like Capricorn however it is more disturbing- it usually has rape and sexual torture. Particularly, younger and …. cannibalism and ‘cringe’ children. This, Leo governs the area over children.
Sagittarius (43 killers)
We were awestruck by Leo… Well, Saggie isn’t all that shocking. He had an identical M.O like Leo with the same rape, strangulation, as well as the robbery– however, age was not an influence on their victimology. What makes the majority of these murderers different from the other indicators: necrophilia, and “trophies,” like dismembered body parts and the valuables that the person who was killed.
Aquarius (42 killers)
The zodiac’s compassion isn’t very human. Who would have known? It’s a bit odd, Aquarian serial killers have typically been crazy (and hugeoted) vigilantes. While rape, torture and necrophilia are the most common M.O., many of the 42 serial killers I’ve have read about targeted victims such as homeless/poor runaways, prostitutes, or any other related. It would have been more effective to have them play the villainous Dexter who killed the other serial murderers (which is why the main star Michael Hall is an Aquarius himself).
Libra (42 killings)
Who would have thought Libra could be so violent. It was expected that their murders would be more sane than the other. Common M.O. is strangulation, sexual abuse and stealing valuables from the victim to be ‘trophies’ as well as tie up at the very the least the victim before taking them to the grave after. The symbol of justice is a sign of guilt, or they certainly treat their crimes as art.
Scorpio (42 killings)
Scorpio is a hybrid of Leo and Aquarius according to this list, Scorpio On the other side, is what we’d expect — sexually sadists who often were serial rapists as well as stalkers prior to their murder streak. The use of strangulation, torture, necrophilia and vampirism also were frequent throughout their M.O. Other Scorpio serial killers — using firearms however, a few of the cases for Scorpio were executed-style. The majority of these instances involved hitchhikers, prostitutes or other people at risk who could encourage the development of a vigilante.
Aries (42 killers)
The serial killers of Arian are preposterous… yet they aren’t? The first thing to note is that none of them had the same M.O., to include just a handful of crimes that were sexually explicit. The most sought-after weapon was an firearm. You may ask why? Many of them told police that they hoped to beat their previous records on their bodies count. Other violent incidents that are random are strangling, beating arson, or any other act that can increase the number of bodies. In addition, a typical motive was the fact that someone was dumped. The murders they committed were typically impulsive without organization, and was merely driven by the notion of being first–which is not surprising for Aries.
Gemini (40 killers)
Gemini serial killers appeared to be the most vengeful of all other–apart from insane obviously. Granted strangulation, cannibalism/vampirism, tying/posing the bodies, and rape are common to their M.O. What sets Gemini against other serial murderersis that they are the most likely to murder people they know or kill in the course of a relationship. There have been numerous murders of families, couples and even their neighbors own. Sometimes, it was due to overkill with a knife or firing a weapon and in most cases, when the victims were in their cars. Who is the one who governs neighbors, locality, as well as transport in Astrology? Gemini.
Pisces (40 killers)
Who would have thought sweet and sour Pisces could be as cruel? Serial killers from Pisces have been described as notorious for being the “too charming to be true” mothers warn us against. Sexual assault, torture tie-ups and cannibalism appear as if they are the ones most frequent of these criminals. M.O., but what is different about Piscesin their victimology specifically targeted at age-related extremities (specifically minors, children and elderly) and also includes an elements of sexual grooming, pornography or sexuality.
Virgo (39 murderers)
Virgo could be lower than we expected however the character of their crimes are exactly typical of what we’d want to see. The Virgo M.O. typically involves strangulation, mutilation, rape and dismemberment. However what differentiates Virgo in comparison to other serial killers the fact that nearly all 39 of them had an armed robbery or a bank-related incident. Some of the most notorious Virgos however, were medical doctors that poisoned patients, or surgically dismembered their bodies. Only Virgo is able to be so meticulous in the end.
Cancer (34 killers)
Cancer has the same vigilante-like complex similar to Aquarius but that many of the serial killers who were killed had been previously convicted of crimes like the gambling industry, small theft assault and the rape. In addition, Cancer has a significantly lesser body count than any of the indicators. Common M.O. includes sex slaves being held beating or strangling them, shooting, and in some cases even drowning in baths (which I haven’t seen this on any other type of sign). The reason for many of them cases, however, had to do with someone committing a crime or blackmailing the victim. Others were at a higher risk, and specifically prostitutes. The cancer at the bottom of the list is fairly fair, if you are me to ask.
Taurus (22 killers)
The serial killer, or the cereal murderer? I’m sure we’ve all imagined the big teddy bear of the zodiac to be a bit of excitement to be killed. Apart from the 22 dudes in this list. Common M.O. comprises strangulation, necrophilia, shooting or even cannibalism. The thing that distinguishes Taurus in this regard is the way that many hunted their victims on the parks, trails, and hiking mountains, as well as everything that is property-related (such such as hotel rooms, buildings leased to tenants as well as other buildings.) Astrology says that Taurus governs Mother Nature and our basic needs like food.